Wrath of the Lich King Intro
World of Warcraft: Wrath of the Lich King is the 2nd expansion for World of Warcraft. The intro cinematic is the only pre-rendered cinematic for this expansion.
Concept art
From the Behind the Scenes DVD
The Animation
From the Behind the Scenes DVD
Matte Paintings
From the Behind the Scenes DVD
Shot Breakdowns
From the Behind the Scenes DVD
A comparison of the storyboards with the final version:
Intro Cinematic Development Progression
Cinematic Credits
Director/Writer: Jeff Chamberlain
Senior Director of Cinematics: Matt Samia
Creative Director: Nick Carpenter
Lead Producer: Scott Abeyta
Producers: Angela Blake, Phillip Hillenbrand
Editor: Matthew Mead
Supervisors: Jonathan Berube, Fausto De Martini, Scott Goffman, Steeg Haskell, Arthur Jeppe, Mike Kelleher, Jared Keller, Jon Lanz, James McCoy
Leads: Aaron Chan, Sheng Jin
Artists: Sal Arditti, Jason Barlow, Barry Berman, Anwar Bey-Taylor, Ricardo Biriba, Alvaro Buendia, Scott Campbell, Aaron Chan, Steven Chen, Shimon Cohen, James Crowson, Sofia Vale Cruz, Graham Cunningham, Ben Dai, Zaza Essa, Hunter Grant, Jeremy Gritton, Michael Hardison, Jason Hill, Brian Huang, Steve Hui, Tyler Hunter, Sheng Jin, Jeramiah Johnson, Chung Kan, Bernie Kang, Jeffrey Kember, Ren Kikuchi, Ronny Kim, Yonghyun (Eddie) Kim, Jae Kim, Brian LaFrance, Mark Lai, Oliver Lam, Moonsung Lee, Yeon-Ho Lee, Dyllan Lu, David Luong, Marc Messenger, Alex Murtaza, Sada Namiki, Jeremy Nelligan, Tuan Ngo, Jae Wook Park, Corey Pelton, Zachary Podratz, Reo Prendergast, Dennis Price, Dominic Qwek, Glenn Ramos, Jarett Riva, David Savvy, Billy Shih, Kazuhito Shimada, Taylor Smith, Peter Starostin, Geordie Swainbank, Peter Swigut, Seth Thompson, Chris Thunig, Graven Tung, Mathias Verhasselt, Xin Wang, Kenson Yu
Technical Artists: Ben Barker, Michael Beal, Leonard Chang, Drew Dobernecker, Chris Evans, Joe Frayne, Huong Grey, Jim Jiang, David Keegan, Scott Lange, Hung Le, Dyllan Lu, Wei Qiao, Chris Rock, Peter Shinners, Nelson Wang
Lead Studio Technical Engineer: Sean Laverty
Studio Technical Engineers: Mike Kramer, Ramon Rodriguez
Production Team: Bejan Fozdar (Modeling), Janet Garcia, Kim Horn (Animation), Bryan Langford (Tech, Animation), Steve McIlwain (Finishing), Noel Wolfman (Dev)
Additional Production: Taka Yasuda
Interns: Chay Johansson, Joseph Magdalena
Cinematic Intro Sound Designers: David Farmer (EAD), Paul Menichini
Cinematic Intro Music: Neal Acree
Cinematic Intro Audio Mixer: Tom Brewer (Sound Cove)
Voice of King Terenas Menethil: Earl Boen
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